Virtual Counselling

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Partner Registration

Please complete the form to register yourself  with Student Pro Education Consultancy as a Partner. Please contact our sales representative if you have any questions. 

Student Information

Address Information (All the fields are mandatory)

Present Address

Permanent Address

Education Details (All the fields are mandatory))

Interested Course and Provider

Preferred Intake

Education Background Details (All the fields are mandatory)

Start listing from your Latest Qualification

English Requirement Details (All the fields are mandatory)

Employment Details (All the fields are mandatory)

Fill if you say: YES)

Your Passport Details

Insurance Details (All the fields are mandatory)

Fill if: Yes)

Emergency Details (All the fields are mandatory)

Please Upload your Essential documents over here)

Please Note: Please rename your file as stated in the title

Student Declaration Form

I appoint STUDENT PRO PTY LTD, Sydney Office as my agent to process my application; I declare that the information and documents I provided to the agent for the purpose of application are all authentic and correct, also I declare that I will keep my agent updated about any changes timely; I authorize my agent STUDENT PRO, Sydney Office to verify the application documents. I am willing to be cooperative in providing any documents required by my agent for my application; I acknowledge that any incorrect, misleading or fraudulent information or withholding of relevant information relating to my application at any stage will lead to refusal of my school application; I confirm that all relevant documents, including but not limited to, the application form, GTE form, acceptance form, payment form, financial declaration form and credit card authorization, have been signed by myself or my parents if I am under 18; .